Daily Schedule
"Jumping over the stars one at a time"
7:00 am-9:00am Greetings/Table Toys/Clean up
9:00am-9:30am Breakfast
Nutritious meal for children who arrive in the morning
9:30am-10:00am Science/ Sensory
Children explore sensory tables or science project with the theme
10:00am-10:15am Math
Explore counting, numbers, sorting, color, shapes and much more with the theme
9:50am-10:20am Art
Craft to go along with the theme
10:20am-11:00am Fine Motor
Puzzles, writing, cutting, play dough and hand strengthen activities with the theme
11:00am-11:30am Large Motor/Outside
Parachute, balance beam, jumping, running, outside, and activities with the theme
11:30am-12:00pm Language
Stories, songs, reading and activities with the theme
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch
Children all sit down together to enjoy a meal together
12:30pm-1:00pm Quiet Time
As the children get ready for nap they do quiet activities on cot until nap
1:00pm-3:30pm Nap Time
The children nap of their own cots with nap time music
3:30pm-4:00pm Waking up Transition
Diapers changed, cot and blankets put away
4:00pm-4:15pm PM Snack
The children get to eat a snack together
4:15pm-5:00pm Center free play/Outside Play
The children either do free play centers or outside play depending on the weather